The Kuttiyeri Service Co-operative Bank, initially registered as a multipurpose co-operative society on March 13, 1914, underwent a transformation into a cooperative society on November 5, 1961. Since March 7, 1980, it has been functioning as a cooperative bank. The Kanhirangad branch commenced its operations on February 25, 1990, followed by the Talor Pushpagiri branch on January 1, 1999, and the Karkk branch on December 6, 2004. Additionally, the main branch at Vellavu has been operational since May 1, 1997.
Loans shall be sanctioned to the A Class members of the bank and the applicant should own the land or plot on which the construction is proposed
Loan will be available for all purpose
The loan amount for all purpose shall be fixed as a maximum amount of Rs.9 crore
Loan shall be repaid in equated monthly instalment spread over a maximum period of 10 years. Borrowers are free to remit more than one instalment or lumpsum at any time.
Interest subsidy is eligible for this loan
Advance is made against the mortgage of landed property as equitable mortgage or registration. Building shall be insured at the cost of the borrower and the insurance policy shall be assigned in favour of the bank.
Share linking will be 3.50% of the loan amount